Cooperative Research



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:To conduct a research program that addresses economic, management and marketing concerns of cooperatives.

1. ACCC FACT SHEETS AND RESEARCH REPORTS - The goal of this fact sheet series is to distribute relevant research and information to the cooperative community.

2. Selected ACCC Director’s Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Areas of Research


Zakrzewicz, Christopher J., B. Wade Brorsen, and Brian C. Briggeman, “How Accurate are Forecasts of Farmland Values?,” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2012, Forthcoming

Briggeman, Brian C., Michael A. Gunderson, and Brent A. Gloy, “The Financial Health of Agricultural Lenders,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91(2009): 1406-1413

Briggeman, Brian C., Charles A. Towe, and Mitchell J. Morehart, “Credit Constraints: Their Existence,Determinants, and Implications for U.S. Farm and Non-Farm Sole-Proprietors,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91(2009): 275-289



Briggeman, Brian C. and Jayson L. Lusk, “Preferences for Fairness and Equity in the Food System,” European Review of Agricultural Economics, 38(2011): 1-29

Briggeman, Brian C. and Quatie Jorgensen, “Farm Credit Member-Borrowers’ Preferences for Patronage Payments,” Agricultural Finance Review, 69(2009): 88-97

Briggeman, Brian C. and Philip Kenkel, “Customer Segmentation Perceptions of Farm Credit Associations,” Agricultural Finance Review, 68(2008): 227-236


3. Other Cooperative Research Resources


Journal of Cooperatives